Thursday, March 15, 2007

Perchance to Meme?

I have been "tagged," as we say in Blogspeak, by Frank Wilson at Books Inq., to receive the "Thinking Blogger Award" and to nominate five of my fellows for the same honor. Frank, of course, is too kind, but I'm happy to draw more attention to five blogs I read daily:

1. Laudator Temporis Acti, the creation of Michael Gilleland, was one of my primary inspirations for starting Anecdotal Evidence. He's well and widely read, and enjoys sharing his pleasures with the rest of us.

2. James Marcus, at House of Mirth, was another inspiration. Sometimes it's eerie the way James and I share enthusiasms -- Flann O'Brien, Aldo Buzzi, Eugenio Montale, Penelope Fitzgerald, and Ralph Waldo Emerson, among many others.

3. At The Blog of Henry David Thoreau, Greg Perry gleans the best from Thoreau's bottomless journal, the true work of his lifetime, and we are the daily beneficiaries.

4. Today in Letters is the brainchild of Brian Sholis who posts a letter or journal entry from the past corresponding to today's date. I wish I had thought of that.

5. Brad Bigelow deserves some sort of award for selfless service to both readers and writers. The Neglected Books Page rescues authors and books, prominent and obscure, from total extinction. At least somebody remembers.

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